Have you ever loaded a website only to immediately click away based on how it looks? You know what I mean. Bare bones, misspelled words, competing colors. Sound familiar? Yeah. Me too.
So why do we do that? It’s really very simple: because web design matters!
When it comes to websites, content may be king, but design is queen. If the look of your site doesn’t hook the user in the first few seconds it loads, they won’t even bother to stay for the content. Web design has the ability to create connections, build trust, and showcase expertise.
This is why I started Glow Big Creative Studio: to help small business owners to boldly tell their stories, build relationships with clients, and allow their value and industry skills to shine.
I started Glow Big out of necessity. . . for you and for me.
I spent the last three years working for a beloved neighborhood family business where I served dozens of its loyal customers every day. Like many small businesses, they were forced to close. That left me jobless and without anyone with whom to share my love of creative problem-solving and years of service industry experience.
So, there I was. Unemployed. Bored. In need of a creative outlet. So I started learning web design. Well, sort of. I continued learning web design, which was something I dabbled with a few years ago. I knew I enjoyed it, but coding from scratch was an absolute slog. I took a completely new approach and started learning to use Showit in the hopes that it would allow a more design-forward strategy.
And it worked.
The next several weeks were spent building mockup sites and learning about web design as a business, which turned out to be the perfect recipe. Clients get thoughtfully designed, artfully tailored websites that highlight what their businesses have to offer, while I get to nurture my creative spirit and utilize my service skills. Win-win.
I’m beyond thrilled to be moving forward with Glow Big Creative Studio as the next chapter of my career. If you’re interested in working together, check out my services page to see which option might be a good fit for you. If you’re ready now, click the button below.
Let’s build something that glows!
December 6, 2024